What Is Customer Profile: Ultimate Guide to Create It

What Is Customer Profile: Ultimate Guide to Create It

In a dropshipping business, marketing is more important than selecting products and setting up a store. Since your users can easily purchase the product from the AliExpress marketplace, you have to carefully curate a better image in front of your audience.

For this to happen, you need to know the customer's profile. Which profile of customer likes what type of ad? Are you reaching out to your customers in the right way?

What Is a Customer Profile

Let’s start with the obvious: what is a customer profile?

A customer profile is a document containing details of your customers. This is not a normal document with information like an address, name, etc. You're getting into the weeds and figuring out who your user is.For example, psychographic details, behaviors, likes, pain points, dislikes, demographics, etc.

These details help you know the intent of the customer, which allows you to create the right marketing plan.

You may be wondering why you should prepare a customer profile.

If you don’t profile your customers, you don’t know them. In an era where the internet is filled with billions of users, you can’t afford to make that mistake. When you don’t know your customers, you are marketing to people who don’t understand your product or don’t need your product. This will only lead to disappointment.

How You Can Profile Your Customer

If you have to have a customer profile, how can you make one? We have discussed key details of making customer profiles. Have a look.

1. What Is the Key Issue to Resolve

You have a dropshipping business and you need to focus on the purpose of your products. Is there a challenge that you are solving for your customers? For example, you are sourcing and selling cute stationery. You are solving a problem where many customers struggle to find these in the local market or they don’t receive quality products online.

A short glimpse of the pain point that you are solving can be judged by the behavior of your target audience. Knowing how your customers use a particular product and what their expectations are is imperative.

2. What Does the Customer Journey Look Like

Once you know the issue you are solving for your customer, you have to map your customer's journey. This includes touchpoints that your customers go through to make a purchase from your dropshipping store. What do they experience at each touchpoint? Why did they leave the cart? What would they like to experience?

There’s no doubt about the fact that mapping customers’ journeys will take a considerable amount of time. However, the results help you understand customer profiles better. Most of the time, you don’t even need to create an entire map, you can just think about the goal and find relevant answers. For example, the challenges faced by your customers when placing an order.

One of the techniques used by many dropshipping businesses to map the customer journey and create customer profiles is to ask users about their experience. You can know the experience of the customer at a certain touchpoint. For example, did you like browsing in our store? How was your checkout experience?

These questions answer a lot of questions about the customer profile.

3. Include Demographics

When you are identifying the customer profile, you have to write down the demographics of your customer.

We know normal factors like age, gender, preferences, and other similar things related to your customer. However, there are a few external factors as well, such as:

  • What is the target market for your product?
  • What is the revenue of the industry?
  • How much should the people in this profile be earning?
  • Where do these people work?

Think of other factors that may be related to the product you are selling in your dropshipping store.

4. Use Feedback

You can’t know your users if you don’t talk to them or spend time with them. This is to say that you should talk to your audience before making the customer profile.

Create a feedback form or arrange some type of feedback cycle. This should include generic but valuable questions that may help you create the customer profile. For example, connect with the audience in a video and know how they would like to be reached out to by a brand. Many people work a 9 to 5 job, so an email would suit them well for updates. But, many other people may also want to receive a notification from the app on their mobile phones.

You should create a list of things that are missing from the customer profile and curate questions for the feedback around these missing pointers. It will help you form the customer profile you are creating marketing campaigns for.

5. Build User Persona

Once you have taken user feedback and you are close to your customer profile, you should identify a potential audience worth reaching out to. Therefore, the next step in this decision is to create a buyer’s persona.

Clearly define the following:

  • The age range of the audience
  • Income range
  • Education level
  • The method of product usage
  • The most popular marketing landscape
  • Key requirements
  • Payment methods preferred

6. Iterate and Analyze

For any growing dropshipping business, the customer profile is the key to success. With this profile, we can create marketing campaigns, understand our audience better, and improve lead conversion. When you are not analyzing your customer profile regularly and making important changes iteratively, you are losing so many opportunities.

At some points in time, we start marketing to people who don’t understand our efforts because their requirements have evolved. Hence, one thing that you should never give up is revisiting your customer profile at regular intervals and evaluating if things still make sense. If they don’t, you should take appropriate steps to improve your marketing and customer profile appropriateness.

This is to simply say that you should revisit the above steps again and again and keep judging your customer profile. Keep updated with changes in user preferences to surge ahead of your competitors.

Marketing to Potential Customers

What's next after creating a customer profile? What should be your next move? How can you use this knowledge for your dropshipping store?

You should start marketing to your potential customers. This will help you identify new leads, capture more opportunities, and improve the revenue generated from marketing.

DSers dropshipping

Get Started Now to Grow Your Online Business with the Best AliExpress Dropshipping Tool - DSers!


To enhance your efforts, you can even start using a dropshipping tool like DSers. It is an AliExpress dropshipping tool that helps you streamline your supply chain. Once you have captured the right customer with the profile, you can enter them into the lead cycle and record their data in DSers. From purchase history to delivery of the product, you will find every detail in the tools related to the customer. The tool also helps you select the right seller and products with its AI engine.

What more could you ask for?


Creating a customer profile for your potential audience helps you exactly define what your audience looks like. You can know their age, preferences, online activity patterns, and expectations. This allows for eliminating customer pain points, building trust with the lead, and converting the customer.

Use the above guide to make a customer profile and offer your valuable experience to your customers.

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