Ultimate Cart Abandonment Guide: 11 Strategies to Prevent It

Ultimate Cart Abandonment Guide: 11 Strategies to Prevent It

Are your customers leaving your sales funnel when they are about to checkout their shopping cart? Cart abandonment happens to many ecommerce businesses ‒ you’re not the only one that experiences this.

Suppose card abandonment is quite familiar, and you want to know more about it in this post. In that case, we'll walk through some insights and recommendations to improve your cart abandonment recovery.

Why Shoppers Abandon their Cart

One of the main reasons why shoppers leave their cart isn't because of indecisiveness.

According to data by Statista, 56% of shoppers leave because of unexpected costs, like additional shipping and taxes. Other people leave after finding a better deal, while some because of a poor navigation experience.

11 Effective Strategies to Recover Abandoned Carts - DSers

But the list doesn't stop there. There are several other reasons people close the tab without making any purchase. Despite this, all of these reasons say the same thing. You have to make your customers feel secure, confident, empowered to make a purchase, and make abandoned cart recovery.

11 Effective Strategies to Recover Abandoned Carts

So how can you do it? In this post, here are the most effective strategies on how to avoid an abandoned shopping cart on your ecommerce store:

1. Activate Push Notifications

When a visitor visits your e-commerce store, leaves the payment page, and goes to another site instead, you can activate the pushbuttons reminding them of their pending purchase.

If you want to boost your ecommerce conversions, activating push buttons lets you remind them of the products already added to their carts as they keep browsing. You can also use plug-ins that allow you to automate tasks in your e-commerce platform.

Similarly, you can display a popup that warns users that the shopping cart needs payment or the checkout process is just a step away before leaving your site.

2. Be Transparent with Costs

Another great abandoned cart recovery strategy is to be transparent with the costs. Customers get turned off by hidden fees that brands impose. For instance, a brand might show discounts on a product, but taxes are added when they place the order and proceed to the checkout page.

It never hurts to be transparent with the overall costs of your products and service right from the very beginning. That way, users know that they're not wasting their time with you, and the ones that added products to their cart may want to proceed with the purchase.

3. Offer Discounts with Exit Popups

Exit popups are another great way to recover abandoned carts and improve online sales.

Offer Discounts with Exit Popups - DSers
Source: brooklinen.com

An exit-intent technology will track the behavior of users. On the desktop, it will monitor the mouse movement of the user. An exit intent for mobile is triggered when the user clicks the back button or scrolls up.

As soon as a site visitor is about to leave, an exit popup will show with targeted messages such as:

  • An invitation to chat with an agent
  • Special offers/discounts
  • An offer to download a lead magnet or join an email list

4. Create Urgency

Another way to decrease cart abandonment and boost your conversions is to create a sense of urgency.

Like social proof, incorporating a sense of urgency is a deeply rooted strategy in human behavior. If people know that a deal is about to end, the more they'll likely do something about it. Meaning urgency propels them to take action.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate a sense of urgency into your site. One way to do that is to add countdown timers and special offers.

Similarly, you can try adding FOMO notifications. FOMO, or fear of missing out, is the idea wherein one doesn't want to miss an excellent deal.

So, if a user thinks that they're about to miss a good opportunity, they're more likely to make a purchasing decision.

5. Launch a Retargeting Campaign

Similarly, you can also put the customer data you've gathered into good use. Retargeting is an excellent way to re-engage with customers, encouraging them to make a conversion.

It's also one of the best strategies brands can use to resonate with their customers. A user visits a product page on your site and then clicks away from the page. You can use an excellent retargeting strategy to remind them of your products in an attention-grabbing ad.

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For instance, you can use Facebook Pixel to gather customer data through a website or app activity that you can use to create a retargeting ad.

Similarly, you can also use your customer's contact information to retarget campaigns. Remember all those emails you've gathered along with the guest checkout feature? Retargeting is an excellent strategy to utilize those emails.

6. Use Personal Outreach

Are you dealing with products and services that are high value? Then another great strategy that you can use is to reach out to customers personally and offer them something they need to complete their order.

More often than not, your customers might encounter slight issues such as a coupon code not working or other technical issues that prevented them from making a purchase.

You can also offer video content as a guide on their checkout experience. Walk them through a simple step-by-step guide of checking out a product from your store. Make sure to transcribe the audio of your guide to make it accessible for all your outreach targets.

7. Leverage Chatbots

Do you know that 16 percent of users leave a site because they got lost browsing? While optimizing your navigation will undoubtedly help, prospective buyers will love it even more if you make it easy on them.

Adding a chatbot will allow users to quickly find products they're looking for or find the information they need. A chatbot doesn't need the user's consent or email address to operate.

8. Offer Free Shipping

As we mentioned earlier, additional costs are one of the primary reasons why people tend to abandon their shopping carts. So what can you do about this?

One solution is to offer free shipping. You might consider doing this even if you have to place the shipping costs on the product itself. Here are some tips on how to reduce dropshipping delivery times. Also, check out this excellent AliExpress dropshipping service.

9. Provide Multiple Payment Options

The easier your checkout process, the more a customer will feel confident purchasing. So, make sure you provide them with multiple payment options to help fuel that feeling.

With more payment options, customers can decide that's easier for them, whether through PayPal, Apple Pay, or Amazon Pay. Convenience is crucial for payments.

10. Enable Guest Checkout

There's no doubt that the guest checkout process is a great way to gather customer data. But is this option worth it to lose prospective customers over?

Enable Guest Checkout - DSers
Source: urbanoutfitters.com

According to data by Invesp, 14% of shoppers abandon their carts because the guest checkout option is hard to find.

By making it as easy as possible for your customers to checkout, you increase the likelihood of converting. Why? Because it's convenient for them to purchase without any additional steps to create an account.

11. Allow Customers to Favorite Products

To make abandoned cart recovery easy, allow customers to save items they like even if they're not sure they wanted to purchase them.

Saving items on a cart through "add to cart" significantly reduces cart abandonment since you're providing your customers with the option of adding their cart and boosting cart recovery by reminding them of the items they've browsed before.

For instance, you can offer them:

  • Wishlist: Allows customers to save items they like for later shopping or give them the option to send their wishlists to family and friends.
  • Save for later: Amazon has this feature wherein you can store items without placing them on your cart.

Over to You

The secret to reducing cart abandonment eventually boils down to trying out different strategies that work best for you as well as with your customers.

Taking necessary steps to make them feel confident and secure in making a purchase can make a significant difference.

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